Whats a quiet storm
Whats a quiet storm

Stay Hipp published an article about the dances' popularity on TikTok. The video garnered over 331,500 likes in 11 days.


On May 7th, TikToker iamdiorrrr did the dance and added the text "When the driver pulled off before you find a seat (shown below, right). TikTokers began using the dance in parody videos.

whats a quiet storm

On May 5th, 2020, TikToker thavideoplug uploaded another sound clip of "Quiet Storm" and performed the dance in a video that received over 151,400 likes in 12 days (shown below, center). On November 20th, 2019 TikToker therealkhalilshamar uploaded a video of themself doing the dance and garnered over 800 likes in six months (shown below, left). The name ‘Quiet Storm’ first originated in 1975 as an album by Motown legend Smokey Robinson ‘A Quiet Storm’. As original as we thought it was, we were beaten to it by a decade or more. The dance became popular on TikTok in 2019. The name Quiet Storm has had this effect since we first started using it in the late 80’s. The video garnered over 2,700 views in two years. On August 8th, 2018, YouTuber SupermovaLeon uploaded the video "Lil Kim Recreates Her Famous 'Quiet Storm' Dance at Radio Station August 8, 2018" (shown below).

whats a quiet storm

Practicing your best Lil' Kim 'Quiet Storm' dance moves before the party > /iupv21vxOG- AKEEM SUMTHING December 17, 2017 On December 17th, 2017, Twitter user uploaded a video of someone performing the dance with the caption, "Practicing your best Lil' Kim 'Quiet Storm' dance moves before the party" (shown below).

Whats a quiet storm